Ashford Surgery

297 Staines Road West

Ashford, Middx, TW15 1RS

01932 779979

Sherwood, Vets, Ashford, Sunbury, Hampton, Logo

Hampton Surgery 

49 Hanworth Road 

Hampton,  Middx, TW12 3EA 

0208 979 6060 

Sherwood Vets Pre-Operative Instructions

Please take a minute to read the information below. We would be grateful if you would follow any instructions carefully as they will make your pet’s stay with us more comfortable.

  • Your dog or cat MUST BE STARVED before an operation so please withhold food after 8pm the night before.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE for rabbits, guinea pigs and other small furries: Please do NOT starve your animal before their operation. Please bring some of their usual diet in with them plus any treats you know they like.  Please use a towel or blanket in their carrier. Please feel free to bring in any bonded companions to help reduce stress during the day, but do make it clear on admission which animal is which!

  • Water does not need to be withheld and should be available at all times.

  • Your cat MUST be kept indoors overnight prior to the operation so they do not have an opportunity to eat elsewhere and will not be missing in the morning.

  • Ensure your dog has had the opportunity to go to the toilet BEFORE you arrive at the surgery.

  • Your pre-operative appointment will be with a nurse or veterinary surgeon depending on the procedure who will go through the admission including the signing of an anaesthetic consent form. Please ensure you are reachable on one of the contact numbers you write on the form at all times of the day. Bear in mind outgoing calls from the surgery may be from a withheld number.

  • We will ask you to contact the surgery between 1pm-2pm for a progress report and to arrange a discharge appointment if appropriate depending on the nature of the procedure. 


We will gladly provide a detailed estimate by email in advance of the procedure on request.

Payment for operations is expected at time of collection. Please note nurses / reception staff have no authority to allow credit or deferred payments.

Any concerns regarding payment MUST be addressed to the veterinary surgeon in charge of the case prior to admission or treatment.

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